Case study: Visualizing product releases and Google Analytics data helps dental insurance giant surface impacts of UI redesign on conversions and revenue

The leading dental insurance company that provides dental coverage for individuals and groups through preferred provider plans (PPOs), health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and government programs while covering millions of members nationwide.

Dental Insurance

San Francisco, California

Tableau, healthcare


The direct-to-consumer (D2C) segment of the leading dental insurance company was rolling out new customer-centric online and digital health products. It was part of the initiative to shift from the traditional acquisition channels of inbound and outbound telemarketing and mail to web-based enrollment products.


There was no business intelligence solution that the D2C business could leverage to correlate software product launches and re-designed check-out with conversions and revenue. Brightalytics developed and deployed data visualizations that combined Google Analytics data with software release events.


The implemented Tableau dashboard provided product teams and the company leadership with more clarity on which website features worked and which ones did not lead to the desired conversions and sales outcomes.


Having timely access to the conversion analytics allowed teams to shorten the software release cycle, refine the website enrollment application, and iterate faster as they got continuous feedback with business results. Furthermore, the visual QA we applied helped the organization to recognize where data was inaccurate or incomplete.


clarity on how software redesign affects sales


software release cycle to iterate faster


traditional marketing and enrollment methods to the new digital experience


website conversions and ROI


product performance analytics to refine the business objectives


missing data using visual QA


The Customer Experience (CX) group lacked a clear picture of the impact of software launches and product redesign events on conversions and sales.


Brightalytics LLC, which previously operated under the Pekarsky Consulting brand, built interactive Tableau dashboards that visually linked software release events for partners across various states to the Google Analytics conversion metrics, and compared online shopping trends to the historical average indicators.


To reduce visual clutter, additional data points were hidden. A user could easily display tooltips with line of business (LOB), number of quotes requested by shoppers, and number of policies sold. Decision-makers could zoom in on any time period and observe blended conversions, and break them down by any combination of regions, LOBs, or partner companies. The pre and post-launch sparklines gave a top view of the overall conversion rates magnitude, their variance, and min and max values as a reference.


We used the visual QA methods to uncover the missing data and alerted the client about the product segments that were not tracked due to the changed business logic. Highlighting the issue helped the database teams to correct the omission.


provide clarity

on how product features affect financial results


positive or negative impacts of product updates


visual clutter and display additional data points when needed


the tactical changes to move the business metrics


online shopping trends to the historical averages


total, combined, and individual conversion rates

The Google Analytics and Conversion Events dashboard gave insurance executives the needed metrics to compare traditional marketing and onboarding methods to the new experience of signing up or re-enrolling in a dental plan online. Furthermore, access to the analytics of the product performance helped them to better monitor, report on, and refine the business objectives.


The business intelligence insights about the re-designed check-out system provided product teams with more clarity on which product or website features worked and which ones did not lead to the desired sales outcomes.


Having timely access to the conversion charts helped the company monitor positive or negative impacts and the lag of particular software updates, and make the needed tactical changes to move the business metrics in the needed direction. This allowed the client to shorten the software release cycle, refine the website enrollment application, and iterate faster as the teams got continuous feedback with business results.

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