Case study: Digital health B2B2C company gains insights about engagement and marketing campaigns

Digital health company that provides individuals with data-driven information and personalized recommendations that can help improve health care outcomes and decrease medical costs.


San Francisco, California

Tableau, healthcare


A company in the digital health industry identified several data analytics gaps and opportunities, including the need to track digital engagement and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and placements used by its clients. Brightalytics, a Tableau consulting company in San Francisco, was asked to provide its data visualization expertise.


During the consulting engagement, Brightalytics created and enhanced several business-critical dashboards that satisfied HIPAA compliance requirements while safeguarding protected health information (PHI), and personally identifiable information (PII). The healthcare technology company and its B2B2C clients gained visibility into the effectiveness of placements and marketing campaigns helping them optimize their spend and time.


Brightalytics recommended best practices of visual analytics and accessibility for people with disabilities such as color blindness or color vision deficiency (CVD). Our Tableau visualizations were featured in the company’s promotional video as well as the internal publication. In addition, we helped the client company in their staffing efforts. When they were hiring advanced Tableau developers, we interviewed and screened several dozen applicants and reviewed their dashboards and vizes.


visibility into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and placements


trends for impressions, clicks, and click-through rates

provide accessibility

with color blind friendly palette, easy-to-read fonts, and tooltips


customer and product engagement


spend, time, web and mobile products


and screen Tableau talent, assist with data analytics staffing


The digital health app paid subscribers had the option to use custom or default configuration of the marketing campaigns and placements. Both internal account managers and their external clients were lacking tools to track the effectiveness of various options in the SaaS application. Tableau business intelligence platform was used to solve this problem.


Brightalytics which operated previously as Pekarsky Consulting, built dashboards to track the performance of placements and marketing campaigns. They showed a bird’s eye view of the historical trends for the three main KPIs: impressions, clicks, and click-through rate (CTR), as well as the totals, change, and percentage change.


Marketing Campaigns and Placements Performance

Dashboard users could select a KPI by which the top 10 marketing placements were sorted while providing a visual comparison of the whole population of members vs only the incented group. The on-demand tooltips displayed additional stats in easy-to-read fonts, further improving dashboard accessibility. Custom filters focused on a specific product, campaign label, published status, and time period. This report was featured in the company’s publication called Engineering Gazette.

We delivered the new Campaign Performance report, which is an aggregated report in Tableau that helps to track campaign engagement by product and client. This report helps to measure how incentivized and non-incentivized users interact with different types of campaigns. Clients can also view how click-through rates have improved or worsened as compared to the previous period.

Engineering Gazette

Marketing Campaigns Detail

Marketing Campaigns Detail report built in Tableau provided a more granular view of the campaigns while using the arrows to indicate the direction of the change, as well as the magnitude and percentage of the change in the selected period vs the previous period. Custom logic allowed a dynamic sort by the columns in various data types in the dashboard, including integer, string, or percentages.


display and sort

top 10 marketing placements by a selected KPI


incentivized and non-incentivized members, and the whole population


if KPIs have improved or worsened as compared to the previous period


reports by product, campaign label, published status, and time period


data by product and client


with indicators of the direction and magnitude of the change

The BI reports improved visibility into the effectiveness of campaigns and placements. They helped to measure how incentivized and non-incentivized users interact with different types of campaigns by product and client. Clients could view how the tracked KPIs have improved or worsened as compared to the previous period.

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