Case study: Customer experience (CX) uses visual analytics of clinical, NPS, and survey data to gain insights about enrollee pain points and vital relationships

The leading dental insurance company that provides dental coverage for individuals and groups through preferred provider plans (PPOs), health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and government programs while covering millions of members nationwide.

Dental Insurance

San Francisco, California

Tableau, customer experience (CX), healthcare


Dental insurance giant focused on switching from the traditional acquisition channels of mail, inbound and outbound telemarketing to customer-centric online and digital health software. It was vital for the Customer Experience (CX) group to see the ease of use of various enrollment methods and the pain points that users encounter along their journey with the product.


Brightalytics LLC was brought in to work on the CX data analytics initiative. We connected data across the functional silos and developed interactive Tableau dashboards yielding deep insights about the customer experiences with onboarding and touch points.

Customer experience (CX) management is an effective tool that companies can utilize to create a long-term competitive advantage.


The net promoter score (NPS) indicates how likely customers are to recommend the company. This metric is very important to a company as it measures its customer loyalty.


One of the functions of The Voice of the Customer (VOC) and Customer Advocacy programs is to address member issues and complaints and resolve them.

The resulting business intelligence solution contributed to the growth of the e-commerce business, drove customer satisfaction and improvements in NPS, facilitated patient outreach, and reduced churn. Both the visualizations and recommendations were featured in the presentations to the senior executives as well as at the CX all-hands meeting. The Voice of the Customer team used survey scores, interactive filters in Tableau, and keyword searches to identify and proactively reach out to members to settle the problems not previously addressed.


survey results and NPS data

drive up

NPS, customer satisfaction, and revenue


operational, insurance, and member data with survey results


deep insights about CX, onboarding, and digital products


enrollee pain points and areas where customers need help


member churn, effort, and costs


multi-step business process


customer behaviors


customer-centric digital health products


The client’s Center of Excellence (CoE) needed to establish transparency in traditional and digital enrollment products of the direct-to-consumer (D2C) business segment, and better understand the onboarding journey of patients starting a new plan, interactions with members, and ways to preempt problems in customer touchpoints.


Another objective was to identify relationships among such factors as survey results, clinical data, and the company’s NPS score. The challenge was to combine, relate and analyze disparate data from various silos of the company.


During the consulting engagement, Brightalytics coordinated with several teams across the organization to integrate onboarding survey results in Qualtrics experience management software with the line of business, operational, dental plan, and demographic data of the members. To build aggregations of medical claims and procedures, we relied on Tableau level of detail expressions (LODs) and complex calculations. The summary data referenced survey results and NPS scores and became the subject of further statistical analysis.


Brightalytics, formerly known as Pekarsky Consulting, visualized survey and NPS data. The business intelligence (BI) solution that relied on cross-departmental data helped product owners uncover relationships among different variables and gain better insights into the onboarding process, success factors, and gaps. For example, the survey captured the situations when the members first purchased the plan and after that contacted customer service for one of the reasons. The data visualization captured this multi-step process to highlight the touchpoints where customers needed the most help or areas where they did not require any additional instructions.


Likert scale viz represented the usefulness of plan documents in getting started with a new dental insurance plan. Tableau report users could select any document such as an invoice, ID card, or welcome letter, and get a more granular view of its usefulness by an insurance plan type. An interactive chart displayed member opinions as a visual correlation of multiple factors, such as usefulness of an ID card vs satisfaction with an invoice.


Our dashboards provided a detailed analysis of negative, neutral, and positive sentiments measured by a score or percentages. Filters could be applied to dissect the data by demographic, and group, and to contrast an insurance plan that members thought they selected with the actual plan in which they enrolled. The diverging bar chart made it easier to detect differences in detractors, neutral, and promoters when segmented by each business partner.



customer journey, product interactions, NPS, satisfaction, revenue


survey results with Net Promoter Score, clinical, and operational data


negative, neutral, and positive sentiments


e-commerce business conversions


customer loyalty

reach out

to members to settle the problems


actual insurance plan with the perceived one


fact-based findings to the leadership


with data to gain insights

The data visualization and analytical work by Brightalytics contributed to the insurance company’s objective to connect more closely with its members, identify customer experience issues and opportunities faster, and better anticipate customer behaviors. The BI analytics initiative allowed the CX group to zero in on the pain points that users encountered along their journey with the product.


The findings led to recommendations to improve NPS scores and customer satisfaction, increase revenue, and reduce effort and costs. We presented the findings to the leadership of the dental insurance company as well as at the all-hands meeting of the group.


The Voice of the Customer (VOC) team used survey scores, Tableau report interactive features, keyword search, and other qualitative methods to identify and proactively reach out to members to settle the problems.

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